How Moms Can Help Their Teens Cope With Mental Health Issues


With all the pressure at school, at home and with their peers, it is not a wonder if teenagers would admit that at some point, they have suffered from mental health issues. According to a study conducted in the United States, there is a high percentage of teenagers nowadays that developed anxiety and depression. Fact is, its occurrence is quite common already that no one seems to notice or was just labeled as “just being a teenager” or “acting up.” But the truth is, this is not the case. Their behavioral health’s on the line.

The common symptoms of mental health issues on teenagers have extreme mood swings, being unreasonably angry, being emotional, hostile, avoiding social interaction, having bad grades, unable to focus, having trouble with sleep and losing appetite. These symptoms may be quite typical amongst teenagers, but if these signs occur more often then, you should pay more attention. And instead of going against your teenager, help him out instead so that he could cope with his problems in terms of mental health.


Don’t Take The Symptoms For Granted

Though being moody among teenagers is quite reasonable, still, you need to be an extra precaution. Try to know how often the mood swings occur and try to understand also the reason why they have those terrible moods. If this episode happens much often and his idea is quite off, then, dig dipper. Have a heart to heart talk. Act on the issue at once so that it won’t get worse.

“We can look at behavior as a window into where a child may need help,” says Steven Richfield, Psy.D. “And if we can take advantage of those circumstances where a child might veer off course as an indication that they need coaching from us and use those as corrective opportunities.” Showing the teenager that you are concerned and willing to get involved with his problem is more than enough for him to get over whatever issues he’s been into.

Know What You Are Dealing With

Once the signs are evident, and the episodes are reoccurring, then, it is time for you to do some investigation. Try to uncover the reasons behind all his issues. Talk to him, talk to his friends and even have a meeting with his homeroom teacher at school. Have an open mind and heart in getting all the facts they will tell you. Directly and indirectly, they can give you details that can help you solve the puzzle. And if still, this technique is not enough, try to get medical attention already.  From them, you will get to know what disorder you are dealing with and they can recommend treatments for it.

Go For The Treatment

Once diagnosed, the doctor will recommend treatments. It can be medication or therapy, or even both. Sean Grover, LCSW wrote, “When something goes wrong with their kids, asking for help can trigger feelings of failure or shame in parents. But getting help for your child is an act of compassion, not a sign of weakness.” This may be too much to handle especially knowing that your child is still at a very young age. But undergoing these treatments is the only way that can help him out.

To know which treatment is best for your child, you can ask around, get other medical professional’s opinion and you can also do some research. Talk to your spouse over this issue, and once you have chosen the treatment, it is then essential that you talk to your teenager. He should be aware of your steps, and he should be given a chance to look into the process of the treatment as well. And once you have already settled, make it clear to the other members of the family and the affected teenager as well that you are determined to undergo this process. And that you will need there for support for this.


Get Into Extra Curricular Activities

Instead of isolating world, expose him outside instead. Aside from hanging out with friends, encourage him to get involved with school activities, sports or join clubs. This will help him get his thoughts off his mind and focus on things that give him joy instead. Encourage him to enter into situations that he genuinely likes doing himself. Let him choose, don’t do it for him. The bottom line is, he must go for things he like doing.


Talk to your teenager more often. Hear him out. Have a conversation with him with no judgment, no contempt and even with no emotions. Listen to him and try to analyze what he is going through right now. Assure him that whatever the issue may be, you are still there for him no matter what. Listening to what he has to say is like getting the information first hand. And this information that will be extracted from him can be of help in initiating moves for his recovery.

“You’ll be surprised how far validating your child‘s experience can go in helping them feel heard,” Kristen Eastman, PsyD, says. “Then they’re more receptive to talking about how to get through it.”

Dealing with mental health issues can be tough especially if it involves the person you love most. But to help him effectively, you need to separate your emotions from the situation. Focus on it, know the cause of the said disorder, see a mental disorder professional and get him into treatment. And from there, get focused on getting your teenager better.

7 Tips On Building A Business Without Stressing About Your Day Job


Dreaming of building a business you can call your own is not far-fetched even if you have kids, parents, or other family members depend on you. Once you go out and start meeting different kinds of individuals, you will realize that not all of them are happy with the occupation they currently have. Most of these people have chosen to be practical and stay in a workplace where the flow of money is stable. However, isn’t there a saying that what’s easy is never always right?

If you have been itching to break the mold, you should know how to build a business without stressing about your day job at all.

1. Know Your Passion

Before generating concrete decisions, you need to ask yourself this question: “What am I truly passionate about?” For instance, if you like arranging flowers, then you can open a flower shop. In case you want to take care of abandoned or maltreated animals, you may fund a shelter. “This is probably the simplest way to unearth what pursuits hold the potential to light up your days,” Susan Biali, M.D. wrote. “Before the grown-ups get to us with their ideas, most of us know exactly who we are and what would make us happiest.” You need to be honest about your passion because many entrepreneurs fail or go bankrupt after investing in something that they are not genuinely interested in.


2. Show Real Commitment

Do not listen to those folks who will tell you that you cannot do two things at once. They are typically the type of people who have no dreams of pushing the limits and challenging their reality. In your case, multitasking is acceptable because you will be working on the new business during your free time alone. Once you are in the office, you will do your regular job. For this reason, your focus and commitment on either work will technically remain undivided.

3. Set Your Personal Vision

Dig down deeper to find out how and where you want to see your business one, five, or ten years from now. Jim Taylor Ph.D. emphasized that “It begins with a dream based on your passion and inspiration in your work. From the dream comes a clear vision of where you want to be and what you want to do in your career.” Say, do you want it to stay localized and merely serve the people within the town or city? If so, it may not require a lot of your attention. Considering you wish to turn it into a corporation and expand your consumer reach in the future, you will have to work harder to achieve that. Nevertheless, either of these visions is wrong – what matters is that you can commit to it until the end.


4. Seek A Mentor

If it happens to be the first time that you are dipping your toes in the business pool, it is advisable to get a personal mentor. This individual can be a career coach, a manager, or anyone you look up to in the industry. You should gravitate towards these people since they can give you pointers on how to propel your business upwards and stop it from sinking during tough times. Likewise, you may join a mentoring group online or within the community.

According to George S. Everly, Jr., Ph.D., “Successful mentoring relationships are built upon finding a good match between you and the mentor. You will want to seek not just any mentor, but that special person who is best suited to your needs and personality.”

5. Further Your Knowledge

There’s no question about the need to improve your knowledge base about the industry that you want to enter as well. A new system or methodology will always be introduced in the business world, you see, and there’s no teacher to hand out learning materials about them. It is your duty as a responsible entrepreneur to search about them and adopt the ones that will help your business grow. You will not run out of ways to expand your knowledge nowadays, though, thanks to the internet.


6. Stay Optimistic

The road to the entrepreneurial success that you have been dreaming of is no different from a busy highway – that’s for sure. You will meet a lot of obstacles; there will be people who will try to overtake you. Still, instead of allowing them to discourage you from furthering your business strategies, you should accelerate or at least keep up with them. Do not forget that you are doing all of it for yourself and your family. Staying optimistic when it seems easier to give up may be challenging, but try not to let the problems get in your head.

7. Make And Fulfill Daily Goals

Based on experience, setting daily goals is more effective than making weekly or monthly ones. The former tends to boost your confidence and make you feel as if you are getting a step closer to your long-term visions. The latter, on the other hand, might cause you to lose your focus and question what you are doing.


To Sum Things Up

Building a profitable business while maintaining a regular job is doable. Some of the basic requirements to make it happen are concrete goals, passion, optimism, and sheer determination. You should also be fearless and be able to accept both praises and constructive criticisms from the people around you.

If you can embody such characteristics, then there is no doubt about your capability to become the boss in the empire that you want to start in the future. After all, if there is a will, there is a way, right?


A Woman’s Anxiety And The Law Of Attraction

There are many things that you need to remember when it comes to handling your anxiety issues. First of all, you need to know and understand the fact that the panic attacks take place when you encounter things, people or circumstances that make you feel nervous or anxious. A perfect illustration of this is when you feel uncomfortable in a particular situation. The more you try to resist the attacks, the more they take control of you.


Continue reading A Woman’s Anxiety And The Law Of Attraction

5 Things They Didn’t Tell You About Pregnancy

When it comes to the joys and woes of pregnancy, TV has taught us all about the strange cravings, nausea and morning sickness, and the swelling of your feet. You think we would have learned enough from all the pregnant characters we’ve seen on our favorite series. Unfortunately, having a bun in the oven comes with much, much more.



Continue reading 5 Things They Didn’t Tell You About Pregnancy

How Important Is Postpartum Healthcare




Childbirth is an unforgettable stage in a woman’s life. One will have to go through unbearable pain to ensure safe delivery. However, after the nine months of carrying the baby and the actual childbirth, the challenges that the mother face does not end there.  “The biggest myth is that this should be a time of idyllic happiness. It’s really a time of terrific challenge,” says Arthur Kovacs, PhD. The postpartum stage is the moment right after childbirth; it extends from weeks to more than a year for most mothers.

Recovering from childbirth also means that the mother should be aware of changes that will occur, both physical and psychological. Initially, new mothers will feel the effects of delivery such as the difficulty of movement. Left untreated, this may lead to complications.

While many mothers recognize the importance of postpartum healthcare, a number of them would still put off an appointment with the doctor to take care of the baby. However, given the drastic changes that new mothers have to go through, seeking health advice from medical professionals are just as urgent. “Being a new mom, there is so much insecurity about whether you’re going to be good at it. There’s so much fear, which feels out of control,” says Lesley Goth, PsyD. Seeing a doctor can help.

If you’re reading this because you have just given birth, congratulations! You’re on the right track to recovery. Know the reasons why postpartum care is essential and how it can help you become a better mother.


Your Needs Are Important Too

Bring to mind that caring for your body postpartum is as important as taking care of your precious newborn. If you were taking care of your body when you were single, you should be doubling the effort now that a baby is reliant on you for their life.

They say you cannot give what you don’t have. If you’re feeling weak or different after the delivery, you will be unable to directly address the needs of your child. You may have to anticipate more physical changes including regular cramping and breast engorgement. Mothers also experience postpartum depression (PPD) that is often associated with anxiety, sleep deprivation, and insecurities. “There’s so much stigma about postpartum depression,” says Susan Hatters Friedman, MD.





Your Healing Progress Gets Monitored Professionally

There is a proliferation of different beliefs when it comes to healing postpartum wounds. It greatly varies from even culture-to-culture. However, if you want to be assured that you’re doing the right thing, your best bet is to follow your doctor. An article published in also explains this.

If you would like to avoid any complications in the future, it’s better to stick to the check-up schedule provided. Given that there are a LOT of problems that may arise after giving birth, you may opt to heed our advice.

If money is an issue, you may just go to any government hospital or health center to be able to talk with a medical professional. There are a lot of options available nowadays if you remain vigilant.

In the end, remember that postpartum healthcare is crucial especially for first-time mothers since it is a period where mothers needs adapt to these changes while recovering from childbirth. Support from friends, family and especially her husband is needed to make she get through the challenges of motherhood. Counseling is also essential because healthcare professionals are there to help you get through the suffering.



Benefits Of Birth Control

While the topic of contraception and birth control can spark many heated debates, there’s no denying that a lot of women take up the pill for more reasons than one. These benefits are also backed up by science and medical experts.

Before you dismiss the prospect of taking birth control, here are some benefits many women enjoy thanks to a small pill they need only remember to take once everyday.




Preventing Pregnancy

This is pretty obvious. One of the many reasons women take birth control is straightforward family planning. Whether it’s to put off having children until they’re ready, or being happy with the number of children they already have, the pill remains one of the most reliable forms of contraception.

Birth control pills are said to be 91-99% effective, which isn’t bad at all. Those who may become pregnant while on the pill most often do not make use of it entirely. They may forget to take the pill now and then, take the wrong kind not suited for their system or not wait long enough for the pill to start working.




Manages Your Menstrual Cycle And Woes

Almost every woman will know how much of a pain it is to wake up to red stains in your underwear. This means you’ve got a heavy flow or Aunt Flo came early this month. There’s nothing like the anxiety you get from having to check your backside in the mirror several times to make sure you haven’t bled through your pants.

Enter the birth control pill. When used correctly, this helps regulate your period almost on the dot. No more surprises as you’ll be able to know the exact day that your period comes. This especially comes as an absolute savior to girls who have extremely irregular periods: bleeding for weeks at a time and then going months without a speck of blood.

Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT andAnnette McDermott say that “[birth control pills], in turn, is said to reduce blood flow and cramping. The pills also suppress ovulation, which prevents any related cramping.”

You’ll also be glad to know that the pill helps with menstrual cramps, the heaviness of flow and migraines. Because the pill basically tricks your body into thinking it’s pregnant, so it doesn’t release a new egg anymore, your uterus also doesn’t release the chemicals that trigger cramps.


Improves Your Skin and Body Hair Condition

Many women who turn to birth control might have actually done so to get rid of their acne problem. Because the pill is primarily made up of just hormones, it helps in regulating skin conditions and slowing the growth of body hair.

“Doctors often prescribe combination birth control pills because they can lower the body’s levels of androgen, a hormone that helps produce oils in the skin,” says Dr. Beatrice Chen, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive services at the University of Pittsburgh.

So if you’ve tried everything to manage those pesky pimples to no avail, visit your doctor and see if the pill is a viable option for you.


Helps Your Mental Health

For many mental disorders, there’s still a physical and chemical aspect that influences your mood and condition. Hormones are one of those factors. Since that’s basically what the pill is made up of, taking it can actually have some effect on your mental well-being as well.

Many users find that even other forms of birth control such as implants have helped with symptoms of depression and anxiety. After all, health is a holistic concept with all aspects affecting each other.





Manages PCOS

Those who wish to ban forms of contraception seem not to be aware of how some people heavily rely on pills for other reasons. For those suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) find that taking this form of birth control helps them manage the symptoms of their condition.

While it isn’t a cure, it still dramatically helps those with PCOS. Deciding to take the pill can be the difference between a healthy life and a one filled way days of pain, weight gain, severe acne and highly irregular periods.

According to Richard Fogoros, MD and Nicole Galan, RN, “it’s important to note that even the lowest dose of estrogen is effective in preventing pregnancy and may be less likely to cause side effects such as bloating, weight gain, and mood swings. By contrast, high dosages may increase the risk of irregular periods rather than reduce it.”


Reasons To Visit An OB/GYN If You Haven’t Before




There is a common practice wherein women only go to an obstetrician and gynecologist when they’re pregnant, or hoping to be so. However, some valid reasons exist why you should schedule an appointment to an OB/GYN, and make it an annual practice as well. Here are some of them.


General Health

Some may think that seeing a doctor is only necessary when they find something wrong or worrying. While check-ups may be expensive depending on your country’s or state’s health care system, your well-being is not something you want to skip, lest you risk regretting it later.


Your doctor should be your right-hand when it comes to issues of women’s wellness. They will serve as go-to experts for all aspects: providing preventive care, mental health advice, nutrition and diet information, vaccinations and much more. An annual check-up will help in making sure that your body is in tip-top shape.

Continue reading Reasons To Visit An OB/GYN If You Haven’t Before

Top Five Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance You Shouldn’t Ignore





For many women from adolescents to adults, the word “hormones” is considered a negative term. Why won’t it be? Those hormones are responsible for your mood swings and breakouts. Once in your life, you’ve blamed hormones because of its not-so-good physical manifestations.

Continue reading Top Five Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance You Shouldn’t Ignore

5 Reasons Why A Regular Breast Check Up Is Necessary






It has become a habit among women to check their breasts to spot lumps early on regularly. Essentially, every woman should know how to do self-check-ups just to ensure the regular monitoring of any lumps that may appear in the area.


However, there are many other things women must watch out for apart from lumps. It is always most beneficial to be safe and act swiftly when it comes to your health, so if you notice any of the following signs below, make sure that you see a specialist for further examination:


  1. Nipple Discharge

There are many reasons why your breasts may be excreting discharge. Common causes may include hormonal changes that may occur during puberty or menopause and even pregnancy since you are breastfeeding.


More serious reasons may include a harmless growth known as duct ectasia, which may occur to your breasts due to age, or some more severe cases where blood comes from your nipples, which may be a sign of cancer.


Whether or not you are experiencing alerting breast discharge, it is still worth the trip to the doctor to ensure that you are safe and healthy.


  1. Inverted Nipples

Inverted nipples may be a result of pregnancy, an age-related breast droop, or breastfeeding damage, reasons you need not worry too much about. Although this could be a typical change in breasts among women, it could also be a sign of an infection or even breast cancer.


It is best to seek a specialist once you notice that this does not change after some time to ensure that it is nothing serious.


  1. Unusual Rashes Or Redness

Although this could be a result of a new bra or a new skin product you are using, if you notice that the rash persists for a more extended period, it may be a sign of something severe. Watch out for it especially if it surrounds your nipple.


  1. Constant Pain

It is common for women to experience aches in the breast area. It could occur during the menstrual cycle, during a change in hormones or even as simple as wearing the wrong sized bra.


You may find it difficult to determine the cause of the pain, and usually, it just goes away within a short time frame. However, if the pain is consistent and does not go away after some time, do take a trip to the doctor to see if there is anything more serious is going on.


  1. Armpit Or Collarbone Swelling

Lumps don’t always appear visible or identifiable in the breast area. There are tissues present in the armpit up to the collarbone area that is also a part of the breasts. For this reason, it is good to know how to thoroughly check yourself around this area, or better yet, seek a professional for a proper investigation.





Changes in your body, especially in your breasts, are entirely natural. But if you feel confident that you know your body from top to bottom, never ignore anything that seems unusual to you. It is good to be knowledgeable on how you can properly examine yourself but do regularly seek a physician to watch your health further.